Quality Policy


The General Management of Ingefugas S.L with the main activity of marketing, repair and calibration equipment, is responsible for ensuring that its policy is defined in an appropriate way, and that it is understood, applied and kept up to date at all levels of the company and as a strategic part of the company.

Defining the Quality Policy of Ingefugas, S.L will be a point of reference for quality management in the company, in accordance with the criteria established in the ISO 9001-2015 standard. To this end, defined requirements are established that determine and ensure that:

Pursue, with the necessary means, the conformity of the Management System with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, as well as the commitment to compliance with legal requirements and

  • Ensure that the company’s services meet the needs and expectations of all parties
  • Exercise adequate control over the policy of continuous improvement, developing corrective and improvement actions necessary to avoid the reappearance of internal and external problems.
  • Bet on the training and awareness of the company’s staff in terms of quality, and the renewal of working methods as a means to respond to the growing and changing needs imposed by the market, thus maintaining and increasing our competitiveness.
  • Promote the creative participation of the company’s staff in solving problems and in the continuous improvement of the quality system
  • Communicate the Policy to all the people of the organization, in order to publicize the level of responsibility and commitment of Ingefugas, S.L. and involve the entire organization in quality management, as well as its suppliers and
  • Make this Policy available to all interested parties and review it periodically to ensure continued fitness for purpose

The Management extends this commitment to all employees, as well as to those acting on behalf of Ingefugas S.L, so that they comply with the guidelines of this policy, which will be reviewed periodically in order to ensure that they are always appropriate to the activities of the organization.

In Valencia, September 4, 2020


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